Thursday, February 18, 2010

Boy or Dog?

Did I give birth to a baby boy or a puppy? Judging by the sounds I heard issuing from the baby monitor this morning you might guess puppy! Nathan has learned how to growl and it has quickly become his favorite form of communication. The dogs are not quite sure what to think of it, but don't seem to be too upset by it. Nathan is also quickly learning to grasp and reach for toys (and dogs). The dogs stay mostly out of reach. He loves his activity seat and banging his keys on the table to make lots of noise. He has decided that solid food is much better than his bottle. Yesterday he rejected his bottle and continued to cry until he got his solid food. But as much as he loves his food, whatever the adults have ALWAYS looks better. He watches every bite and sip we take! I can already envision the huge grocery bill we will have once he is a teenager!


Lorna said...

He's a cutie!

Amy Eber Roe said...

Looks like he's having a good time!

Steve and Donna Douglas said...

What are little boys made of? Snips & snails & puppy dog tails!
That's what little boys are made of.
He's our sweet baby boy!