Tuesday, July 13, 2010

toy bucket

The toy bucket was more fun than the toys today!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


On a recent trip to the Reid Park Zoo our little hatchling was more fascinated with the plants than with the animals. He thought the animals were interesting, if they moved, but the plants he could touch. And as we all know, in the world of baby, touching is always better than seeing. The only animals he watched for any length of time were the monkeys. He loved the way the monkeys swung around on vines and the noises that they made.
(notice the outfit..."Mommy's little monkey")

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Excuse me!

"Excuse me! Do I get a say in this?"

"What are you looking at?"

Nathan got his first haircut today...just a trim really. But his hair was growing unevenly and he had some wispies that hung over his ears and down on his neck. He tolerated the hair cut well, but the high light for him was the new set of keys Granddad gave him to replace some lost ones. He also was fascinated with the baby in the mirror. He babbled at it and even put his face up to the mirror and gave it kisses.
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