Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here is your first look at Baby Totten. This is the baby at 13 weeks. He/She was waving that little hand all over the place. We got the results of the Ultra-screen this week. The Ultra-screen is a group of tests including ultrasound and bloodwork that look for genetic anomalies such as downs syndrome. The doctor said that everything looked perfectly normal. Also, I am happy to say that with the first trimester over, I am not feeling any morning sickness anymore and my energy level is slowly beginning to increase.
David got word this week that due to budget cuts, TUSD will be cutting their technical services staff back. Basically all the positions that they are keeping will be posted and then people can put in for the jobs they want. Even if you had that position before, you are not guaranteed to keep that position. Also, if he does get the same job he currently has, the hours might be cut to 32 hours a week. Please pray for the wisdom to know which jobs to put in for and that David will get the job that is best for him.
We have decided to re-list the townhouse for sale. With the new home buyer incentives we are hoping that more people will be looking at buying. At the same time we are listing it for rent too. Whichever one happens first that is what we will do. We are praying that something happens soon since David's job is only during the school year and we will be loosing his income for 2 1/2 months over the summer.
David and I will be taking off to Phoenix for a couple of days over his spring break. We wanted to just take some time and get away just the two of us. David wanted to go see the star trek exhibition at the AZ science center and I think that we will go visit the Phoenix zoo since I have never been there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The first pictures

The first pictures have been done. Unfortunately, they don't scan real well. That stinks. The doctor says that everything is good. The heartbeat was easily heard (beating at 150bpm). the baby was very active. It was doing summer saults and spinning constantly. It was waving its arms and legs all over the place. They were clearly defined. The baby's head was noticeable as well. You could see the entire facial bone structure. It was really cool.

We also learned that this is a single pregnancy, despite what others think (and I was one of them). This will make purchasing clothing and furniture a little easier.

We will post more pictures when we get them.
