Monday, June 28, 2010

Busy Boy

Nathan has become a very busy boy lately. He plays hard and crashes hard. He is definitely mobile now even though he is not crawling yet. He rolls everywhere and pivots in a circle using his legs. Occasionally he gets up on his hands and knees, but winds up going backwards and gets frustrated.
We see glimpses of his emerging independence every day. Today he was going after a lamp cord when I told him "No, No Nathan" You could practically see the wheels turning as he looked at me and then back at the cord in his hand. He turned, looked at me with a sweet smile as if to say...."you don't mean that...I'm too cute to say no to!" I repeated myself and said " No, No Nathan" with a stern look. On this particular occasion he decided to obey and went rolling off to play with the vertical blinds on the sliding glass door.
Nathan is also the proud owner of 4 teeth now, but apparently that was not enough for him, and he is already working on some more. He went from fevers with the teething to a stuffy nose and cough from allergies a couple of days later.