Monday, April 6, 2009

Nearly Easter

It is nearly Easter 2009. I have 2 more days of work and LeAnn has 1. Lucky her.

We have our doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully, they will do an ultrasound so we can find out the sex of the baby. If not, it will be another month before we find out (boo). LeAnn has had a few bouts with Morning Sickness again. It is not fun, but we will get through it.

Work is not that great. On Friday, they gave all teachers who had 3 years or less their pink slips. They also gave one of our administrators one too. I have yet to receive mine. I know that it is coming (assuming the school goes with the district plan). It is just a matter of time.

My dad had surgery today. He had a hernia repaired. The surgery went well. The doctor says that he has to take it easy for a little while.

My grandmother is going in for surgery tomorrow to have fluid removed from her lungs. Things should be ok with her.

This weekend, we are going to Phoenix for the weekend. We plan on having a good time, since this will be the last time for several years (due to the baby). We plan on going to the Star Trek Exhibit (Beam me up, Scotty!) on Friday. On Saturday, we plan on going to the Zoo and the Spaghetti Company. We will come home on Sunday to spend the day with our families.

Katie is coming down on Saturday. I am really happy she is coming. It has been quite a while since I have seen her. It should be fun. She is always good for a lot of laughs and fun times.

That is it until this weekend or next week. Please pray for my entire family as they recover from surgeries. Pray for Katie and Donna. Also pray for the baby, as we let it develop and become the newest member of the Totten/Douglas families.

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