Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things are changing

I have been working hard this weekend. We got our new dog door on Thursday, and on Saturday I installed it. It is an in-the-wall model that I fitted for our sliding glass door. I had to build a frame for it and everything. There is siding on the wall to fill it in and drywall to cover the inside. The wall is also insulated, helping with those cold nights we are going to be experiencing for the next couple of days.

I also installed some new lights in the garage. I still need to get the light bulbs, then I can check to see if they work. I am removing the temporary lights that are there now.

I also built a new workbench. The workbench is a little high, but it will serve it's purpose. This is also helping me clean up the garage, as this needed to be done anyways.

LeAnn is also feeling a little ill. Her morning sickness is continuing, but she has found a solution, lemon drops. Her energy level is low (due to the developing baby) and she is starting to show. However, we are both anticipating our next doctor's appointment in March.

Please continue to pray for our developing bundle of joy, for all of our families, and for one another.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Rest when you can, needs that energy more than the sink full of dishes. (I can dish out this kind of advice, but I'm not very good at heeding it!) Love to you.