Thursday, December 25, 2008

So, This is Christmas


It is really early in the morning and we are getting ready to go to my parents house for Christmas. I am looking forward to spending some time with my parents and LeAnn's. Donna is celebrating her 29th birthday again.

My grandmother is in town with my family as well. She came over yesterday to view our new house for the first time. She loves it. It is hard to believe that we have lived here for 9 months already. Time sure does fly by.

Back to Christmas. LeAnn and I opened our presents to each other last night. I got movies, tools, and some other goodies. LeAnn got clothes (which she wanted), a book, roses, movies, and a gift card for the Melting Pot (one of our favorite restaurants). LeAnn thinks that I went overboard, but I think that she got what she deserved. I love her and she loves me, that is what matters.

Grammy's was another enjoyable Christmas Eve. Nearly everybody was there. We shared our presents, spent time talking to each other, and eating. The normal assortment of sweets were available, along with chile, corn bread, and tamales. Unfortunately, the food did not like me, so I don't feel to good. Oh well, 2 hours of sleep will have to do.

I have to go, as we are leaving. Hope everybody has a Merry Christmas.

Please continue to pray for all of our families and those who are traveling during this busy time. I hope that you are all safe and enjoy Christmas.


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