Friday, February 13, 2009

Another week

Another week has come and gone. Luckily, i am off for the weekend. No work for 2 whole days!!! However, I am going to help out one of our small group members with some landscaping work that they need help doing.

I also am having LeAnn's Valentine's Day gift delivered tomorrow. It should be here by 1:30 (at least that is what the tracking says.....). I hope she likes it.

LeAnn is still tired. The baby is growing at an quick pace. We are excited to see the sonogram that we should get at our next doctor's visit. I want to see our first pictures of the baby and to know whether it is a boy or girl.

This is going to be a short post. Please keep Donna in your thoughts and prayers.


1 comment:

Landra Lynn said...

LeAnn, I finally - after almost 16 weeks of awful, awful morning sickness -- found the best cure and thought I would pass it along to you. My boss taught me this trick, and it has been the only thing to work for me at all.

A few drops of food grade peppermint oil in a pitcher of water, and drink it anytime you feel sickness coming on. (Apparently, you cannot mix it in a plastic container as it will leech toxins from the container, but glass is fine.)

Hope you guys had a great weekend!