Friday, June 9, 2006

Entry for June 9, 2006

We got home late last night after 4 beautiful days in San Diego. We arrived home to find two very happy puppy dogs waiting for us. Max and Lucky did not want to leave our side. They just wanted us to scratch them and they wanted to give us kisses.

We spent most of the day running around getting LeAnn's name change done. We went down to the courthouse to get a certified copy of the marriage license. Then we went to Social Security to get the name changed there. Then we went to the bank to do the name change there. We went up to Steve and Donna's to visit them as well. Chica was quite happy to see us.

We also went to the drive-in. We saw "Over the Hedge". It was funny and entertaining. It was playing with the Da Vinci Code, which neither one of us wanted to see. We came back home to two happy dogs and went to bed.

Tomorrow, we are taking our parents out to dinner. They don't know where, and we are not telling. It will be a complete suprise to them where ever we go. We are not going to mention where here either Image. We will say where we went in tomorrow's blog, which may be one of the last ones for a while.

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