Friday, September 25, 2009

Changing Already!

Nathan is changing already. Last night while laying on my chest Nathan picked up his head and turned to face the other side. His head was still rather wobbly, but he is gaining more control every day. Then today during a diaper change his umbilical cord came off. His belly button has healed up very nicely. He has been a little fussy tonight, but it seems he just wants to be held. Hopefully he will sleep better tonight, last night he was up every hour until about 1am. David and I plan on being pretty low key tomorrow and sleeping as late in the morning as we can (between feedings). Well Nathan calls!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nathan's First Doctor Visit

Nathan had his first visit to the doctor today. Over all he was rather unimpressed with the visit. He cried most of the time because the doctor was running late and his appointment delayed feeding time. He weighs in at 8lbs 5oz now and has grown from 19.5 inches long to almost 21 inches long! The doctor said that they would like to see Nathan gaining 20 grams a day and he is currently gaining about 10grams a day. They will continue to watch his weight, but said that he is doing well otherwise. Needless to say the visit was thoroughly exhausting for him, but he loves the swing his Grandad and Grandma bought him. Yesterday Nathan spent the day with his Grandad wishing him a happy birthday. He thinks Grandad is wonderful and will spend hours in his arms listening to him talk. As you can see, Grandad thinks he is pretty great too!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arrival of Baby Nathan

It is official. We have a cute baby. Baby Nathan Douglas Totten was born on September 14, 2009 at 9:31am at UMC via c-section. He weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and measured out at 19.5 inches long. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, so the c-section was a good thing. He is doing well, as is mommy.

I have been working for the past 2 days, 10 hours per day. This will allow me to take the rest of the week off, while LeAnn is home and work half days all next week.

LeAnn will be off of work until December 7th. This is to allow her to heal and to spend lots of time with the baby.

Both Nathan and LeAnn are supposed to come home tomorrow. She may stay an extra day (allowed) because of Nathan not keeping his weight up (as of 9pm tonight, he has lost 9.7% of his body weight). He is eating and breastfeeding, taking his first bottle tonight and eating 3/4 of an ounce of formula.

Grandparents both want to keep the baby. They have been told NO! They are more than welcome to visit and to babysit, but will not get to keep the baby. LeAnn and I both love him too much.

Please continue to pray for Katie, as she needs a job. Also pray for LeAnn and Nathan, as they both come home from the hospital for some home time. Also pray for all of the birthdays that happen between Sept 13 and 20th (I think 3-4 now with Nathan)

We all love you....


Friday, September 4, 2009

More Baby News

We are inching closer to the birth of baby Nathan. Right now, we are sure that he is going to be big. At the last sonogram, the baby was 9 lbs 10 oz and his head was off their scale (meaning bigger than 41 weeks), with excess ambiotic fluid. LeAnn is now on weekly visits (hopefully they will do something this coming week). She also has to have non-stress tests done twice a week until the baby comes. We are hoping for this coming week (she is now considered term, but they want to wait as long as possible to make sure the lungs are developed).

Have a great week.


PS - Who has gotten a TV (LCD), brand new for $3.00???