Friday, August 21, 2009

Fine. A New Post

Since it has been a while since I updated the post, here is the latest

Sonogram went well. Baby measuring big still. Dr. slightly concerned. Ordered another sonogram for the first week of Sept (if the baby hasn't come already). Last one said the baby was about 6 pounds and 3 weeks early.

Work is going well for me. A few minor headaches, but school started with a bang and will end quitely.

LeAnn is now working days and enjoying it. Unfortunately, the pregnancy is tiring her out, but that will be done soon.

Pray for the final weeks of the baby and a smooth birth.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

We are getting closer

We just went through birthing class last weekend. It was dull and boring. I didn't like the movies that they showed, but survived. We did get a tour of the hospital. It was fun.

The baby seems to be measuring big still. We have an appointment on the 7th to narrow down the due date. I think that the baby will come early by at least 2 weeks. However, this is the only way to be sure.

LeAnn has just finished her last night. She has gotten a day position starting this week. This is a big blessing, as we will be able to spend more time together and she won't be so tired all day and up all night.

Amy and Lorna are in town this weekend. It was really impressive to see Zoe talking and wiggling around. Katie is also in town. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Katie's birthday was Wednesday.

I will have another update later this week or this weekend. Not much else to talk about. Have a good week.
